Check out this fun project! This local golf course had these great items in their drawer for about five years and now they can proudly put them on display thanks to our design team and our new golf ball and golf scorecard display frames. For this design we actually have two golf balls: one is a logo ball from the golf course and the other is the actual golf ball that the course record was shot with, how cool is that? The scorecard was from an official USGA event held back in 2011 and is a unique size of 3.5″ x 11″. As you can imagine this required us to make a custom design which will also accommodate a small brass plate (2″ x 4″).

Here we have mocked up the design to test spacing for the layout. Since all golf balls in the US are the same size 1.68 inches in diameter we are going to space them evenly from top to bottom with the same margins on the left and right while leaving enough room in the center to feature the scorecard. The brass plate will go to just under the scorecard in the middle.

These images show the completed project. If you know of a local club that could benefit from golf flag frame products then use the contact us form to let us know. We also offer custom designs like these on a per quote basis, so if you have a custom frame need for your golf memories or for your golf event just reach out to us and we may be able to help.